Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft Forschung Veranstaltungen und Meldungen
Innovative Housing. Results of a research and design module on resident-led low-impact housing

Innovative Housing. Results of a research and design module on resident-led low-impact housing

The collaboration between Lisa Kietzke and Lidewij Tummers started during the summer semester 2019 at the architecture and landscape faculty of LUH, when we were teaching the last edition of the ‘Architektur Soziologie und Planungs Theorie’ course. Finding a common interest in housing innovations, as two practitioners and researchers from different and complimentary (sociology and engineering) perspectives, we set up an interdisciplinary Master program for the following winter semester. Motivated by the need to investigate innovative housing emerging in Europe as a new field of work for planners, we are particularly interested in self-organized pioneering projects.


Innovative housing emerging in Europe

People in pioneering housing initiatives respond to difficult housing markets (both in booming cities and in shrinking regions) and create (new) types of ownership and sharing economy. They try to achieve standards of sustainability for climate change mitigation. They develop new living spaces in order to accommodate different phase of life and new, increasingly varying lifestyles... [mehr lesen]




Title: Innovative Housing. Results of a research and design module on resident-led low-impact housing
Hannover, spring 2020
Publisher/ Herausgeber: Abteilung Planungs- und Architektursoziologie, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur, Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Dieses Projekt war die letzte Handlung der Abteilung. This publication was the last activity of the department

Supervisors: dr ir Lidewij Tummers and Lisa Kietzke MSc
Editors/Redakteure:Paola Ayala Ulloa, Yunqing Chen, Rebecca Faulhaber.
Design and Layout:Paola Ayala Ulloa, Yunqing Chen, Rebecca Faulhaber.

Note: all research reports and projects have been included ‘as delivered’. Please bear in mind that these texts were written by non-native English speakers. Copyright with the authors, under international Creative Commons License 4.0.