CREATIVE FOOD CYCLES is glad to announce the winners of the Open Call for Projects, according to the three categories that will be displayed in the Catalogue:

Category 1.  production to distribution

Tiago Vasconcelos, Copenhagen - Alaska | PermaBioreactor

Category 2.  distribution to consumption

Johanna Dehio, Berlin - São Paulo  | Fire Kitchen

Category 3.  consumption to disposition

Elizabeth Fabiola Palomino Nolasco, Lima | La Peruana Coffee

The 3 winners are invited for presenting their projects at the Creative Food Cycles Symposium which will take place in Hannover, in September 2020. Creative Food Cycles is funded by the European Commission in the Creative Europe Programme, as a cooperation project of the Institute of Urban Design and Planning (Prof. Schröder) of Leibniz Universität Hannover LUH with the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia IAAC (Spain) and with the Department of Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa UNIGE (Italy).