- Architecture and Urban Planning
- Landscape Architecture
- European Master in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA)
- Environmental Planning and Territorial Development - Track Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning
- Environmental Planning and Territorial Development - Track Territorial Development
- Master in Civil Engineering - Teacher Training at Vocational Schools
- Colour Technique and Interior Design Teacher Training at Vocational Schools
- Master in Wood Technology - Teacher Training at Vocational Schools
Information for Prospective Students

All study programmes at the faculty correspond to the two-tier system of professionally qualifying degrees according to the Bologna Declaration. Following a 6-semester Bachelor degree (180 ECTS), a 4-semester Master degree (120 ECTS) is recommended. The courses of study are full-time courses.
Study Programmes
Our Range of Studies
The Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Architecture offers a variety of bachelor and master courses.
- Application Information and Documents
- International Prospective Students
Student Advisory Service
Course Guidance, Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences
Course Guidance, Architecture
Department Student Advisors
Course Guidance, Landscape and Open-Space Planning
Department Student Advisors
Course Guidance, Teacher Training Courses for Vocational Schools
Department Student Advisors
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach -
CHE University Ranking
In the CHE Ranking of the universities of the ZEIT Campus in the field of architecture, the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Architecture has occupied top positions for years.
A short registration is necessary to view the ranking dynamically.
- Costs and Financing