Friends of Architecture
at the Leibniz University of Hannover e.V.

The "Friends of Architecture at Leibniz Universität Hannover e.V." is an association of graduates, professors and friends of the architecture department at the University of Hannover.
We are delighted about your interest and welcome your participation!
Tasks and Objectives
The "Friends of Architecture at Leibniz Universität Hannover e.V." aims to complement the state's services for teaching and research and to maintain the connection of former students with the faculty. The association, which is based in Hanover, pursues exclusively charitable purposes and finances its activities from membership fees and donations from its members. Contributions and donations are tax deductible.
The minimum annual contribution is currently 40,- Euro. -
Boards of the association
Boards of the association are the general meeting and the executive committee. The executive committee is elected for three years by the general meeting and consists of the chairman (currently Prof. Wilhelm Meyer), the deputy chairman (currently Prof. Kay Marlow) and the managing director, who is also secretary (currently Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Hofmann).
The board of directors appoints a treasurer, an advisory board consisting of two representatives from the professorial staff, one from the academic staff and the students.
Services of the association
The Friends of Architecture supplement the services provided by the state for teaching and research.The association's funding services include the full or partial financing of, among other things
- Journals and textbooks for the student council library
- Support for excursions through subsidies for excursion guides and excursion documentation
- Exhibitions of student research projects and theses
- Student architecture competitions and projects
- Events, such as the graduation ceremony
- Lectures and guest lectures
- Architecture walk for newly enrolled students