

In jeder Organisationseinheit der Fakultät (also z.B. für alle Institute oder auch Abteilungen) gibt jeweils eine Person, die "Ansprechpartner" für IT-Fragen ist. Das heißt, dass diese Person für den eigenen Bereich die technischen Zusammenhänge kennt und somit

  • für die Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus dem Bereich erste Anlaufstelle für Fragen zur IT ist.
  • für "Externe" - also z.B. den zentralen IT-Ansprechpartner der Fakultät (FIO) oder z.B. die entsprechenden Abteilungen der Leibniz Universität IT-Services (LUIS) - der "offizielle Kontakt" ist.

Die offiziellen IT-Beauftragten müssen "feste" Mitarbeiterinnen oder Mitarbeiter der Universität sein; es können keine Studentischen Hilfskräfte oder etwa externe Dienstleister sein.

Administration and Central Facilities at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences

Representatives of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Service Facilities, Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences

Computer Pools Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences

Computer Pool Architecture

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Computer Pool Landscape Sciences

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Institutes at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Science

Institute of Vocational Sciences in the Building Trade

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Institute of Design and Building Construction

Building Construction Design

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Sustainable Building Systems

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Load-Bearing Structures Section

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset
regulated personal dataset

Institute of Urban Design and Planning

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Abteilung Stadt- und Raumentwicklung

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Section Urban Design

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Institute of Open Space Planning and Design

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Institute of History and Theory of Architecture

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

History of Architecture and Urban Design

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset
regulated personal dataset

Architectural Theory Section

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Institute of Creative Design and Architectural Drafting

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset
regulated personal dataset

Digital Methods in Architecture Section

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Institute of Landscape Architecture

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Institute of Environmental Planning

IT Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Die Ansprechpartner für Architektur und Landschaft