Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences Research Events and News
Alissa Diesch becomes Professor for Sustainable Development in Colombia

Alissa Diesch becomes Professor for Sustainable Development in Colombia

© Foto: Julian Martitz

In October, Alissa Diesch, former member of staff at the Institute of Urban Planning and Design, takes up a new position as DAAD long-term lecturer and Professor of Sustainable Development at the Universidad del Norte, the leading university in the Colombian Caribbean.

"For me, this is a new and exciting endeavour and a return at the same time.  

I am very grateful for the six years I have spent teaching, researching and learning at Leibniz University Hannover at the Chair for Territorial Design. During this time I have improved my academic skills, concluded my doctoral thesis about the rural heritage of Bogotá and above all expanded my professional and personal networks. I am convinced future collaborations will keep up these established relationships.  

Thanks to all the students, colleagues and collaborators that have made this time a very special episode of my life."