Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences Research Events and News
Circular Design - Seminar at Biennale Sessions 2023

Circular Design - Seminar at Biennale Sessions 2023

© Riccarda Cappeller

18th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia

The Circular Design event at Biennale Session 2023 is aimed to be a platform to discuss international research towards an urban notion of Circular Design, with contributions from Germany, Italy, and Brazil. Students will present videos produced in a workshop in Venice about agency of change, imagining narratives, places, networks of “Venetians of the Future”.

Circularity has become a major topic for the agency of architecture towards climate-neutrality. We are proposing Circular Design as a new paradigm to connect urban, architectural, and product design—understanding circularity not only related to material flows but also to energy, knowledge, economy, and as an aggregator for social innovation. Circular Design will shift our perspective on cities as laboratories of the future: to develop recycling of urban elements and enhance overall circular economy towards starting and accelerating new meaningful urban cycles, practices, processes, and networks. This includes to deconstruct limiting frameworks and to open up to perspectives not yet included in creative flows, simultaneously global and local. 



Saturday 10th June 2023, 14:30



Jörg Schröder, Maddalena Ferretti, Riccarda Cappeller


Participating universities

Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, Institute of Urban Design and Planning, in cooperation with
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona/Italy, DICEA Department of Construction Civil Engineering and Architecture