For the ninth time, the association "Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V." (Women in the Real Estate Industry) awarded the Ingeborg Warschke Young Talent Award to female graduates of real estate studies at Expo Real yesterday. Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Construction and patron of this year's competition, presented the winners Sarah Rica Immer, Ines Angele, Rebekka Wandt and Dr.-Ing. Judith Fauth with the prize for their outstanding final theses (Bachelor, Master and dissertation).
Katrin Williams, Chairwoman of Immofrauen and Sales Manager East for Dok Systeme GmbH, congratulated: "Our winners this year show: Female junior staff are better educated than ever! That's why we want to make the enormous potential of our female award winners, but also of the entire highly qualified up-and-coming generation in the sector, visible and promote it to the best of our ability with our broad network. Because these talents must not be lost on their way to the top of the real estate companies!"
In this context, Williams referred to the slump in female executives in real estate companies, which the current Immofrauen study "Female Executives in the Real Estate Industry: A Stocktaking" had revealed: While the share of women among graduates of real estate industry courses is still 52 percent, it drops to 36 percent in middle management and to eleven percent in top management.
Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Construction and patron of this year's competition, praised the commitment of "Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V.": "This prize is an essential contribution to making the achievements of women in the real estate industry visible. Today, women are active as civil engineers, architects, entrepreneurs or scientists in all professions of this industry. They are almost as present in the various courses of study as their male fellow students. The break occurs on the way to management positions. There, women are still in the minority. Immo women want to change that, and so do I! Our world is changing, transformation is the keyword of the hour. How can this succeed without the other half of humanity? We need women. And the Immofrauen are doing pioneering work for the real estate profession through their motivating projects and this prize."
The prize winners were awarded for the following work:
- Bachelor award winner: Sarah Rica Immer
Topic: Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse unter Berücksichtigung rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen zur Integration einer PKW-Ladestation in eine Wohnungseigentumsanlage
University: Berufsakademie Sachsen, Vermögensmanagement - Immobilienwirtschaft
Professor: Professor Dr. Christian Thöne - Master award winner: Ines Angele
Topic: Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen BIM-Prozesses mit dem Nachunternehmen
University: Hochschule Augsburg, Institut für Bau und Immobilie
Professor: Professor Dr.-Ing. Elisabeth Krön - Master award winner: Rebekka Wandt
Topic: Walk the line - Kooperative Kleinstädte entlang der Grenze
University: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Architektur, Abteilung Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung
Professor: Professor Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder - Award winner dissertation: Dr.-Ing. Judith Fauth
Topic: Ein handlungsorientiertes Entscheidungsmodell zur Feststellung der Genehmigungsfähigkeit von Bauvorhaben
University: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
Professor: Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Bargstädt
"The different works reflect the diversity of our network. However, they are all united by their high-class, academic elaboration. Therefore, it is clear to the jury: The real estate industry undoubtedly faces great challenges, but the outlook is encouraging. The industry is very well equipped for the future thanks to the highly qualified, young female talent," said jury president Sabine Wieduwilt, partner at the global business law firm Dentons and regional director of Immofrauen der Region Rhein-Main. All submitted theses had been evaluated in advance at universities and academies with the grade "very good" (min. grade of 1.5) and intensively discussed by the jury. The jury was made up of top-class academics and experts from all sectors of the industry. The winners receive prize money of 1,250 euros and free membership in the association.